RING IT ON: Sulpture, Fashion, Function @ Lillstreet Gallery

One of my bronze Zufall Rings has made its way to Chicago to be featured in the "Ring It On: Sculpture, Fashion, Function" exhibition at Lillstreet.  Excited to be a part of this show, as the Lillstreet Art Center is a Midwestern art powerhouse which offers residencies, studio rentals, classes, and exhibitions.  Below is the complete list of participating artists:

Participating Artists:
Peter Antor
Lex Archibald (Pity Fab)
Cat Bowyer
JenHui Chang
Andrée Chérnier
Hillarey Dees
Katie Kameen
Kristi Kloss
Neil Kraus
Maura Lenahan
Honglin Liu
Ace McCasland
Kelly Novak
Yuka Okane Inoue
Louise Perrone
Courtney Powell
Nash Quinn
Cate Richards
Rebecca Rose
Rose Schlemmer
Amanda Shin
Jan Smith
Amanda Stumpf
Jason Thompson
Dylan Tuckman
Xinhao Yang
Kat Zhang

Juried by Pam Robinson and Nora McCarthy

"Ring It On" runs from November 4th through December 4th, and coincides with SOFA Chicago.  If you are in the area, pop in to say hello!