It's in the middle of a blistering Summer here in LFK, so a good dose of mountain air was sorely needed. Last spring I was awarded a full fellowship to attend a workshop at Anderson Ranch this month - "Cast Away", with the awesome Norwood Viviano. Norwood had offered a similar class last summer, and while I desperately wanted to go, had missed the deadline for any sort of funding. Not this time around.
This technique-heavy course consisted of scanning and creating forms in Rhino 5, printing them, and then creating multi-part sand mold to cast the pieces in aluminum. I enjoyed the intermingling of ancient and contemporary technologies, and especially took advantage of integrating my own body, via scanning, as a platform to build off of.
Anderson Ranch is a magical place - a summer camp filled with artists with beautiful studios and food so good no one will believe you when you get home. I picked a great week to attend, as I got to see Arno Rafael Minikkeen (eeee!), Tom Sachs, and Jerry Saltz speak. Not to get all gushy, but my the end I had enhanced my skillset exponentially and made some great connections, as well as friends I will never forget.
Below is an assortment of photos. If you're interested in seeing more (I also visited Denver, Aspen, and Boulder to see friends) follow my instagram @caterichardsart