Vanguard Arts Awards

I'm a little late on this one, given that we just finished with a three-exhibition turnaround at the arts center AND I was just whisked away to New Orleans for SNAG: Nexus, but I recently was asked to judge the 3D component of the Vanguard Arts Awards for USD 497 in Lawrence. I adore being part of scholarship-granting initiatives for youth, so of course I was ecstatic about the invitation and accepted.

The public schools of Lawrence produce some of the most considered youth art that I have ever come across - every year at the annual USD 497 Exhibition I am blown away by the quality and technical capabilities of these young artists. Painting, illustration, digital media, photography, ceramics, and (YES) even metals pieces by students from Kindergarten through 12th Grade are on display. Their aptitude is a testament to the students' skill, teachers, and the arts-supportive community of Lawrence. Going to school in rural Kansas, which had a meager art program and little chance of scholarship, I am so very proud to be part of a nexus of support for these kids.

I and printmaker Tressa Jones judged the qualifying work and awarded 9 total awards to exceptional high-school artists and their mentors.  My HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the winners, which you can read about here.